Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I Am A Whovian

Yes this is a digital likeness of what I look like. I'm going to take a moment and open up, get a little personal, with all of you. I want to share with all of you my memories and experiences with Doctor Who.

 I've been a fan since I was about 3-4 years old. I remember watching it on PBS and loved Tom Baker as the Doctor. In fact I wanted my very own K-9. Whenever we got a box big enough for me to climb in I propped it up against the wall making it my TARDIS. I would sack stuffed animals and toys into it with me to take on adventures. My room was whatever alien world or place in history I decided it was. I'd crack the flaps enough so that I could watch TV and, more importantly, Doctor Who from the comfort of my TARDIS. I would play in the box until my Mom eventually threw it out.

My parents also brought me to a couple of Doctor Who conventions back when they had them. There was a huge trailer that was a Doctor Who museum with TARDISes marking the entrance and exit. Going in the first thing I'd see was the inside of the TARDIS where there were all kinds of controls and buttons to press. The center was also on a timer so every so often the controls would light up and the TARDIS would sound off. One time after pressing a few buttons the TARDIS went off. My Dad looked at me pretending to be all shocked, "What did you do?! Where are we going?!" Of course being a little kid I denied ever having touched anything. The rest of the museum was filled with Who villains such as Daleks, Cybermen, and the rest. At the very end near the exit was K-9. He was animated in that his ears would twitch as his nose and tail would extend then go back in.

Now (at the risk of bragging but be assured I'm merely sharing my experiences) at these conventions I have sat in Jon Pertwee's faithful automobile companion Bessie. I can also remember the convention where Sylvester McCoy was unveiled as the new Doctor. I got to meet him and I still remember it to this day. He was a very pleasant man who got down on my level to talk to me. He really made an impression as well as becoming my 2nd favorite Doctor right behind Tom Baker.
I also remember being allowed to stay up late to watch the Doctor Who movie on Fox which starred Peter McGann as the 8th Doctor. I can also remember bringing it into school (I was in junior high then) for movie day and while I was thrilled to share this with my classmates nobody was thrilled with my choice of movie or that the teacher had chosen to watch it.
I have always been a Doctor Who fan and I don't plan on stopping. I am thrilled that the series has made such a come back and is attracting younger audiences. I'm also thrilled that I can find Doctor Who merchandise without specialty ordering it.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Geeky Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, ok it was the first Saturday in May 2013. However, it was a very magical day as it was Free Comic Book Day, Star Wars Day (May the 4th Be With You), and Iron Man 3 had hit theaters the day before. Truly a geektastic day indeed.
 Anyway, in the magical kingdom of Portland, Maine a fair maiden cosplayer was visiting the local comic book shops. She wore a Robin costume loosely based on Helena Wayne’s Robin costume from Earth 2 of DC’s New 52.

The geeky maiden had many an adventure that morning. On her way to the first comic shop, Casablanca Comics, she encountered The Doctor who requested help with some Cybermen. Then she chatted with a group of Mandalorian Mercs as they were suiting up. Afterwards Robin waited to get her comics and as she did she met Dark Phoenix, as well as three miniature Batmans who wanted her to be their sidekick. Robin appreciated their offers, but refused. She had other adventures planned for herself that day.
 Robin left Casablanca comics putting her treasure in her coach. It was a short walk to the other comic shop, Coast City Comics. Robin liked to double dip and get as much geek interaction as she could on Free Comic Book Day. Upon reaching Coast City Comics she saw her friends The Maine Ghostbusters. Robin and The Maine Ghostbusters posed for pictures and talked to people walking along the street.

 Little did the geeky maiden know that across the street was a geek prince in a chariot. He was just getting home from a gathering when he saw Robin and The Ghostbusters, who had by now also been joined by Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. The prince rolled across the street to see for himself what was taking place.
    The prince found himself attracted to Robin. He started talking to her, flirting with her. Robin was completely oblivious to his advances. She thought the wheeled prince was cute, but thought herself too plain. The prince saw a beauty beneath the mask and wished to know more about the woman beneath it.

The maiden said she needed to depart to go watch Iron Man 3. The prince did not wish to part ways with Robin just yet. So he asked if she would like company. Robin decided that company would be very lovely indeed. Together they traversed to The Nickelodeon Cinema. They enjoyed Iron Man 3 very much and after much talking (and many numerous geek references) decided they enjoyed each other very much.

They met again a couple of weeks later to go to The Maine Comic Arts Festival (MECAF). This time the maiden was dressed as Rogue and the prince was Dante from Clerks. It was love and the two are still geeking out together to this day.