Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cosplay Calendar Project Update

I promised I would keep everyone up to date on the Cosplay Calendar I was working on. Well there has been some progress made. Some recent positive developments that, not only are worth sharing, but that I'm excited to share.

Sunday February 2nd I met with the photographer who agreed to help me with the project. Nice guy who used to be my 8th grade homeroom and history teacher. We chatted about what the project is, what I wanted from it, and what he could see for it. It was a very productive meeting. We decided that the shoot for the calendar would take place the last 2 weekends in April so that the calendar could be out between June-July.

I was also able to fill up the last few months that I needed cosplayers for. So now there is a definite list of those who will be participating as well as the characters they will be doing. Although the characters may be subject to change. After all I'm not locking anyone into something and if they change their mind that's alright by me.

The cosplaying participants are shown in the pictures. In no particular order they are:

August - The Iron Man of Maine (pictured above)

March - Lane Boucher as Loki (pictured above)

February - Merc Couple from The Wampa Clan of The Mandalorian Mercs

May - Slade Wilson with Patrick French as Green Arrow and Amanda White as Robin (Robin, pictured above)

July - Amanda White as American Dream & Michael Conkright as Deadpool

June - Mike Lavoie as Jake Blues

April - Richard Hale as Doctor Who, 4th Doctor to be precise

January - Kitteninstrings as Zelda and Issac Asimov as Link

September - Joseph Carro as Obi Wan Kenobi

November - Dave Naybor as Bruce Banner

On a side note Dave makes the Comic Geeks Unite t-shirts which can be found here along with the other great shirts he's made.

December - The game plan for December is to have mini geeks (kids I know who like to dress up) with the Cat in the Hat for a holiday theme.

The other aspect that I'm working on that will make the calendar unique is I am going to fill it with dates that are part of geek culture. Things like premier dates of characters, birthdays of writers, artists, and actors/actresses that have made significant geeky contributions, and things like that. To give a few examples I started with 4 dates: 1st Saturday in May for Free Comic Book Day, May the 4th Be With You, June 16, 1959 the death of George Reeves (Superman), and December 28th Stan Lee's birthday.

More updates as progress continues, but if anyone has any ideas for dates to put on the calendar please comment below with them.