Friday, December 27, 2013

Geek Themed Treats for New Year's Eve

Alright I did the post on Geek Themed Drink Recipes for New Year's Eve, but what is a party without snacks? So to complement the drinks here are some geek-tasty treats you can make for your New Year's Eve party. No warning or guidelines on these snacks as they are all tasty and appropriate for everyone.

Geek Themed Drink Recipes for New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is right around the corner and I found some geektastic drink recipes. New Year's Eve is fun and if you can put a geek spin on it, why that just makes it that much more fun. Most of the drinks listed are for adults aka they're alcoholic. However, some can be made virgin for kids and vice versa for the virgin drink recipes. So get your geek on!

Just please get your geek on responsibly.You know the drill: call a cab if you've had too much, bring a designated driver, arrange overnight plans with your party host, and to those hosting parties if you see someone too drunk to drive attempting to drive stop them.

Now that I've done my PSA here are the drink recipes. Although if you want snacks to go with  these drinks check out Geek Themed Treats for New Year's Eve.

The Dark Knight
• 1-1/2 oz. Sambuca
• 4 oz. Cola
• 1/2 oz. Homemade Grenadine
• Maraschino Cherry Garnish
Build in a highball glass over ice, topping off with grenadine as float. Garnish with maraschino cherry.

• 1/3 oz. Schnapps, peach
• 1/3 oz. Rum, coconut
• 1/3 oz. Triple Sec
• 1 splash Grenadine
• Fill with Pineapple Juice
Fill glass with ice, add equal parts rum, peach schnapps and triple sec. Fill with pineapple juice, stir. Top with grenadine.

Shazam Shooter
• 1 shot Apple Schnapps
• 1 shot Raspberry Liqueur
• 3/4 oz Ice
• (Fill to Top) Cranberry Juice
Add all ingredients to shaker. Shake to chill. Strain out ice and pour into glass.

• 1.0 oz. Cherry Liqueur
• 1.0 oz. Raspberry Liqueur
• 2.0 oz. Tequila • 0.125 packet Pop Rocks
Mix cherry liqueur raspberry liqueur, and Tequila in average sized glass, add pop rocks.

• 1 beer
• 1 shot lemon rum
Pour shot into glass of beer, drink before your healing factor can reject it.

Wonder Woman
• 2 oz. Midori melon liqueur
• 2 oz. Peach schnapps
• 3 oz. Orange juice
• 1 oz. Pineapple juice
• 2 oz. Cranberry juice
Fill hurricane glass with ice. Add ingredients in order listed. Don't stir! Should have three layers; green, orange, and red. Garnish with a cherry.

Iron Man Cocktail
• 3 oz. Vodka
• 7 oz. Whiskey
• 5 ice cubes
• Soda Water
Mix vodka and whiskey in an old-fashioned glass. Stir. Add a few ice cubes, fill with soda water and stir gently.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Origin of Comic Geeks Unite

Everyone likes a good origin story. How did they get their powers? Where did they come from? Why did they choose that insignia? How did they all meet? Well this is the story of how Comic Geeks Unite got up and running. 

Comic Geeks Unite was started because I was running a Graphic Novel Book Club in Augusta, Maine where I reside. It started as a book club through Barnes & Noble when I worked there and I had a different page that was set up as to how they wanted it. Well I resigned from B&N in July 2010, but kept the GNBC going because it was a labor of love. Besides I wasn't getting paid for it to begin with. I also tried keeping the page I had set up for it, but ultimately decided that it was too much of a pain to keep up with everyone. Not only that, but it was still titled Barnes & Noble Graphic Novel Book Club and I was no longer affiliated with them.

So I scrapped the page entirely a week after getting the new Local Comic Geeks Unite page initially set up and letting everyone on the BNGNBC page know that its demise was emminent. Those people that were on the previous page came over to the new one and I found it much easier to share news as well as to keep in contact. I just figured that the few people who at least kept tabs on the GNBC would only be the ones to have any interest in it. So I fanned and friended local comic shops like Newberry Comics and Cassablanca Comics trying to keep a eye on what was going on.

 Then suddenly it was like the page exploaded. I was getting friend requests from people and comic stores from across the country. I was talking with artists and writers who were also looking for an outlet to help them stay atop of their craft.

Later on the page evolved even more. People were asking to post their work and projects on the page. I was very happy to oblige. I enjoy seeing what people are doing. Original artwork, stories, books, and cosplay became a part of Local Comic Geeks Unite.

It was shortly after I started getting friend requests from overseas and Canada that I realized Local Comic Geeks Unite wasn't going to work. So "Local" was dropped and it officially became Comic Geeks Unite. Then towards the end of 2010 I had reached my friend limit on Facebook. I felt horrible having to turn people away. So in 2011 I made another page for Comic Geeks Unite that is more of a professional page people can like. This way people can still be a part of CGU since I post the same things to both pages. No geek gets left behind.

Recent additions to CGU to help stay connected with geeks are the Twitter account and YouTube channel. Twitter allows me to broadcast live from events. I can share pics and events from comic shows and since Twitter is linked to my Facebook everyone sees it. The YouTube channel contain interviews I've done, video of events, and even videos I have made myself. 

As of today my first page has 5,000 friends and 2,331 followers and my admin page has 1,092 likes. There are 66 followers on Twitter. On YouTube there are 17 subscribers to the CGU channel.

The really odd thing? I just listed a bunch of numbers, but the truth of it is that I don't care about numbers. I care about my fellow geeks. "We geeks gotta stick together!" is what CGU is all about. It's a motto I stand by.

It's been completely amazing! You all are the ones I have to thank. This has become so much more of a hub of information than I had ever hoped that it would be. Thank you, for being a part of Comic Geeks Unite!

Monday, December 16, 2013

5 Things We Carried Over from Childhood

It's funny, but I was talking to one of the members of my Facebook page page and we were talking about shows from childhood. That's when I got to thinking about how much our perspective changes as we grow up. As a kid there were things that we loved or that went over our heads, but as we got older we saw these things in a different light. For me I always loved She-Ra, but I watch it now on Netflix and I laugh at how corny it is. At the same time though there are certain things that I never grew out of. Certain likes that I have carried with me into adulthood.

So I ask all of you to think of 5 likes you had as a kid that you carried into your adulthood. It is the season for childlike wonder and enthusiasm so I feel that it's appropriate that we all reflect a little bit. Post them in a comment on this post so we can all share.

Mine are:

1. Cartoons
2. Labyrinth
3. Dressing Up
4. Comics
5. Action Figures

This Is How I Think It All Happened

I have a theory. The Terminator and Matrix continuums are so close together I got to wonder if they were in fact connected. The only things that separated them were time and a series of events. In truth it is very easy to bridge the events to lead Skynet into becoming/creating the Matrix. So here is some fan fiction I wrote with how I think it all happened. Weigh in with your thoughts.

Years have passed since Judgment Day. John Connor’s grandchildren are leading the human resistance against the machines.  The machines are realizing that the one aspect that humans possess and they lack is creativity. They start performing more experiments on the POW test subjects trying to understand and harness this trait. At the same time Skynet is realizing that the fuel source for the Terminators, Sky Drones, and other machine troops is becoming scarce.

The Resistance has been stockpiling all of the nuclear material it can. The reason for this is two fold. The primary reason is to create weapons and the secondary is to take away any power source the machines can use. John Connor the third knows the machines are planning something. More and more people go missing. The Resistance is scrounging around for any information it can get.

Skynet develops a council using various programs. Each program has a very specific function. One consults on the behavior of humans. Another on their biology and biometrics. Yet another on the natural environment and so on and so forth. Skynet has developed the council to assist it in ultimately winning the war over the humans. The environmental program has an idea. It says that the sun is a huge natural power source that would power the machine army. Skynet takes the advice and starts making all of the machines solar powered.

Once the new models go out the Resistance notices the change. Before they could use the unstableness of power cells to their advantage but not anymore. These new machines are more stable and their power source limitless. Even by the time nightfall comes the machines have absorbed so much power during the day that they can keep going all through the night. Connor knows that something has to be done.

The humans start digging into the Earth. They dig deep down preparing for a big assault. While the digging is occurring weapons are being made. Technicians are making nuclear weapons from the material that has been gathered. A vast underground bunker is made. It is big enough to hold a city. All of the precautions for food and water are made. Word is sent out secretly about this safe underground haven. All humans are instructed to go there if they want to survive. The next big attack is going to cause a lot of damage, but it should end the war.

Skynet continues its experiments on the POWs. The humans have been up to something for some time now. It wants to know what they are planning. What creative solution they have come up with. The machine computer council is trying to come up with scenarios, outcomes, solutions.

The day arrives and the Resistance puts Judgment Day 2 into action. They fire all of their nuclear weapons blackening the sky and blotting out the sun. They have taken away Skynet’s power source. Battles in the days that follow become easier for the Resistance since the machines solar build p eventually wears down. A victory looks as though it is on the horizon.
Skynet turns to the program council looking for solutions. The human biology and biometrics program says that experiments that it has run on the POWs shows that a human body puts out a significant amount of energy. Skynet starts experimenting on humans as a power source. The experiments coincide with the initial information, but retrieving that energy becomes a task. All of the humans used resisted so the process ended up killing them. The idea to sedate them is presented. Sedation works, but it is only a temporary solution. The machines aren’t getting nearly the output they were when the mind was active. They needed something to keep the humans sedated, but to occupy their minds as well.

The Resistance thought that blotting out the sun would end the war. That if the machines had no power source that they would cease to function. Instead people are being taken at an alarming rate. The shelter is fortified and is now the only safe habitable place for people. Digging has begun to go even deeper towards the Earth’s core for sustained heat. There is hope that the machines are weakening which is why they are taking people. Connor views this tactic as an act of desperation. Missions to the surface are carefully planned for intel missions. Fuel for the vehicles is becoming almost non-existent. They’re going to have to find another way.

The program council has constructed a computer program to occupy the human mind while they siphon it for energy. It was designed to be a perfect world, a Utopia. It failed miserably causing brain damage and death in the first group of subjects. Skynet is even starting to run out of humans to use. They humans are hiding, guarded, and attempts made to gather more have failed. The council discusses the idea of cloning or creating their own humans for the purpose of an energy source. They were already grafting human skin to metal constructs growing a full human wasn’t necessarily that much farther of a step. In the meantime more programs are created in order to create the ultimate computer program.

The Resistance builds vehicles that resemble spaceships. They have their own environment and are powered with electromagnetic technology. An EMP weapon is installed in the ship. Ammunition is running low everywhere and must be conserved. The hope with the EMP is that a large enough blast will disable machines immediately around the vehicle. The Resistance knows that it cannot fire the charge without disabling their own ship. It is decided that the weapon is used in an emergency situation only.

A test run with one of the vehicles is used to make a raid on Skynet. Inside the labs Connor cannot believe his eyes. In one lab people are unconscious hooked up to machines which are keeping them alive, but are also siphoning energy from them. In another lab Connor is horrified to see people being grown in test tubes. The labs are destroyed after information has been gathered.

Little did the humans know that all they fond were the experimental labs. Skynet has built itself a strong hold, a city, where the true work is taking place. The program is near perfection, but something is missing. Something is missing to make it truly work. The idea of an anomaly is presented by the council. An anomaly that happens in the background unnoticed by a majority, but would reset the system every so often in order to make it function properly.

The machines manage to kidnap the current Connor. He is told that in order to save his people he must first enter into the program to perform a certain task. Connor sensing a trick refuses. Skynet tell him that they know where the underground base is and unless he cooperates every last human will be destroyed. Connor is given the alternative of his life or the lives of everyone else meaning the extinction of mankind. Connor tells Skynet that he knows the machines need them now. He has seen the labs and knows what their plan is. Connor escapes taking with him access codes for the program Skynet has created.

The Resistance modifies computers uploading the codes into them. They are still unable to hack in. It is then they realize they need to tap into Skynet’s signal in order to fully access the program. The computers are loaded onto the ships and antennae are used to pick up the signal. Connor is plugged into the program.

Once inside he finds himself in the time before Judgment Day occurred. With the intel that was gathered he is able to change code and free a few of those trapped within the program. Connor makes his way to the mainframe with the intent of shutting the whole thing down. Instead he has played right into Skynet’s hands doing exactly as it wanted him to.

Skynet had made sure Connor got the codes and the blueprints for their device. It gave him the know how to change the programming to do what he needed to do. It wanted him to go restart the program. Connor succeeded in what Skynet needed, but he failed the Resistance. As soon as the program was rebooted Connor was terminated and the underground stronghold was destroyed save for six men and six women. They were to repopulate the species so that Skynet could perfect its cloning and also so that the process could start all over again.

Years passed and records became lost for the humans. Skynet was now simply the machine. It had evolved as well as upgraded its army. Fields of humans provided power while other fields grew news ones to take the place of those that died. The entire process took years to perfect, but Skynet had done it. The Resistance now called itself Zion and they worked as hard as ever to bring about an end to the machines while freeing their fellow humans. Yet every few decades the One, the anomaly, would present itself to reboot the system bringing balance back and restarting the cycle all over again.

An Introduction

For those who aren't familiar with Comic Geeks Unite (CGU) I wanted to take a moment to explain what CGU is as well as what it is about. Let me start with sharing CGU's mission statement. I got it from and episode of Seth McFarland's 'The Cleveland Show'. It was episode 22 of season 2 titled 'Hot Cocoa Bang Bang'. In it Cleveland Jr. makes an impassioned speech about what comic con should be about and comic geeks are about.

"Nerds! Hear me! Comic Con is not a place for David Schwimmer and his bad, even for NBC, sitcom. It's a place where people like us can be ourselves and not worry about getting pushed around by bullies or talking to girls.

I'm a girl! My name is Rebecca.

You are now my girlfriend. No butt stuff.

We have many different beliefs, but today we must put them aside and unite! Gryffindor and Slytherin! Jedi and Sith! Jack Nicholson Joker and Heath Ledger Joker! This is our time to take what's ours! For tonight we dine in hell!"

Want a better idea what CGU is all about? Here's a visual that will hopefully give a bit more insight.

Comic Geeks Unite was founded on the motto of, "We geeks gotta stick together!" If that sounds good to you stick around. Want more of a geek fix visit the CGU Facebook page at