Thursday, January 2, 2014

My New Year's Goals for 2014

It's that time of year again where we try to make ourselves into better people. Here's the thing, and for me this is a personal choice, I had decided a few years ago that "resolutions" were too temporary. People make resolutions and they last a month, maybe two, but then they get forgotten until New Year's rolls around again.

So instead I decided to have New Year's Goals. What's the difference you ask? Goals are something you truly want to accomplish, goals are solid, and goals help keep you focused. To me making up a list of goals for the new year is like having a to do list that I have an entire year to accomplish. It gives me things to strive for. I have also found that changing my mindset just that little bit has helped me greatly. So having said that, let's get to it.

I got to looking at the goals I had set for myself for last year and I did better than I thought. This was my goal list for 2013:

1) Write a formal paper defending comic books a viable form of literature
I didn't do the formal paper, but I did turn the subject into a panel discussion.
2) Do a short horror movie to put on YouTube in CGU's name
Didn't get to this one.
3) Start a feature about various geek groups and contributors out there (ie as in interviews with video and write ups to be posted)
Kinda did this, but in truth I only really did a couple.
4) Try to make it to more events
Need to work on this one too.
5) Put on one event in the central Maine area
Had the CGU Artist Art Walk in Augusta.
6) Be better about my e-mail (especially since hopefully I've made Facebook stop flooding it)
Been checking it once a week.
7) Have better response time when you all give me something to review or comment on
Been getting better about this, but still needs improvement.
8) Be on the Facebook pages if not an hour each night than certainly every other day (I'm one person cut me a little slack LOL!)
I have been doing pretty good on this one, but there were a few times it was out of my control since I didn't have internet access.

Ok, so let's see what goals I want to set for myself for CGU for 2014:

1) Try to take it to more events. (I want to carry this one over)
2) Do or get heavily involved in a geek event
3) Continue to work on my correspondence like when you guys send me stuff and keeping up with the Facebook pages
4) Get a decent website up and running
5) Do a cosplay calendar
6) Spread the word about CGU
7) Never miss an opportunity to chat or hang with my geeky brethren
8) Now that I've started a blog, keep up with it.

What would you all like to see from CGU in 2014?

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